►Cedbee::BasePListParser | A general plist xml-file parser |
Cedbee::TmLanguageParser | For parsing a Textmate Language |
Cedbee::TmThemeParser | |
Cedbee::CascadingQVariantMap | A cascading map is a Hierarchical QVariantMap |
►Cedbee::Change | A basic change |
►Cedbee::AbstractRangedChange | This is an abstract class for ranged changes This are changes (text changes and line changes) that span a range in an array. These ranges share a common alogrithm for performing merges, detecting overlaps etc |
Cedbee::LineDataListChange | A full line data text change. This means the growing or shrinking of the line data buffer It stores the old-data list that needs to be remebered for undoing |
►Cedbee::TextChange | This is the basic text change that's the base of the textchanges |
Cedbee::TextChangeWithCaret | A single text-change with an extra offset which represents the location of the caret. Currently this class is passed a TextDocumentFilter which enables it to alter the caret position I'm in doubt if we really need to implement it this way |
►Cedbee::ControllerChange | A textcontroller command. This can ALSO be a document command |
►Cedbee::ChangeGroup | An undoable-command-group |
Cedbee::MergableChangeGroup | A special mergable group textchange. Used by the editor to merge editing operation together.. I hate the name, but currently don't know a better name of this class :) |
Cedbee::SelectionChange | Move the caret / and selection commands |
Cedbee::DocumentChange | A textdocument change |
Cedbee::EmptyDocumentChange | Document text-change that doesn't do anyhting :-) |
Cedbee::LineDataChange | Class to handle line-data textchanges |
Cedbee::CommentDefinition | A class to temporary store all comment definitions for the current scope placed in a class so we can make use of |
Cedbee::CommentDefinitionItem | A helper structures for storing comment start and end definitions |
Cedbee::DebugAllocation | This structure is used to 'remember' what is allocated at which place |
Cedbee::DebugAllocationList | This class is used to remember all memory leakds |
►Cedbee::DynamicVariable | The abstract base class for a dynamic variable |
►Cedbee::BasicDynamicVariable | A static dynamic variable :P |
Cedbee::ScopedDynamicVariable | A class that specifies a dynamic variabele with a scope selector |
Cedbee::DynamicVariables | This class is used for remembering/managing dynamic variables This are a kind of environment variables that are dependent on the given context |
Cedbee::FactoryCommandMap | This class contains the factory edbee command map |
Cedbee::FactoryKeyMap | This class can fill the texteditor keymap with the factory defaults |
Cedbee::GapVector< T > | This class is used to define a gap vector. A Gapvector is split in 2 parts. where the gap is moved to the insertation/changing point. So reducing the movement of fields |
Cedbee::GapVector< edbee::ScopedTextRangeList *> | |
Cedbee::GapVector< edbee::TextLineDataList *> | |
Cedbee::GapVector< int > | |
►Cedbee::GapVector< QChar > | |
Cedbee::QCharGapVector | The character vecor to use |
Cedbee::TextGrammarRule::Iterator | |
Cedbee::JsonParser | A Json Parser that supports strings in json sources! standard json doesn't support comments. This class strips the comments before passing it to qt the comments are replaced by spaces, this way the line-numbers and column numbers will stay the same |
Cedbee::KeyMapParser | This emthod method can be used to load text-editor keymaps |
Cedbee::LineEnding | A special class to perform line-ending detection |
Cedbee::LineOffsetVector | This class implements the vector for storing the line numbers at certain offsets/ The class allows the 'gap' position to contain a delta offset. Which means that |
Cedbee::NoGapVector< T > | A special GapVector class that isn't a gapvector. It forwards it's request to a normal vector class (for debugging purposes) that isn't a gapv This class is only used for debugging issuess with the gapvector |
Cedbee::test::OutputHandler | This is the basic outputhandler. The basic outputhandler simply executes a qDebug with the given information |
Cedbee::SimpleProfiler::ProfilerItem | Class to 'record a singlel item |
Cedbee::SimpleProfiler::ProfileStackItem | The current stats items |
►CQObject | |
Cedbee::DynamicTextRangeSet | A smart QObject implemenation of a TextRangeSet which listens to changes in the document. When a change happens it's changes the spatial of the ranges |
Cedbee::Edbee | The texteditor manager, It manages all singleton objects for the editor It performs the initialization and shutdown code for all editors |
Cedbee::test::TestCase | I really really hate the QTestLib output on my Mac. It's a very ugly xwindows console result |
Cedbee::test::TestEngine | This is the main test engine |
►Cedbee::TextBuffer | This class represents the textbuffer of the editor |
Cedbee::CharTextBuffer | This textbuffer implementation uses QChars for storing the data |
►Cedbee::TextDocument | This is the base and abstract class of a text document A TextDocument is the model part of the editor |
Cedbee::CharTextDocument | A plain textdocument. A document with simple character-buffer implementation |
Cedbee::TextDocumentScopes | This class is used to 'contain' all document scope information |
Cedbee::TextEditorCommandMap | This is a texteditor map. This is used to map Command-Names to commands This class is the owner of the the given commands |
Cedbee::TextEditorConfig | General configuration settings of the text editor |
Cedbee::TextEditorController | The texteditor works via the controller. The controller is the central point/mediater which maps/controls all messages between the different editor componenents |
Cedbee::TextLineDataManager | This manager manages all line definitions |
Cedbee::TextRenderer | A class for rendering the text |
Cedbee::TextSearcher | The text searcher is a class to remember the current search operation It remembers the current searchTerm that is used for searching The textsearcher component has got several option. Like case sensitivity regular expressions etc |
Cedbee::TextTheme | This class defines a single theme |
Cedbee::TextThemeManager | This class is used to manage load 'themes'. This method loads only loads a theme if requested. It will list all available theme when |
Cedbee::TextThemeStyler | This class is used to return the style formats for rendering the texts |
Cedbee::TextUndoStack | This is the undo stack for the texteditor. This stack is SHARED by all views of the document The stack also stores view-specific commands of all views |
►CQScrollArea | |
Cedbee::TextEditorScrollArea | A special scrollarea that makes it possible to add components to the margins of it |
►CQSharedData | |
Cedbee::TextBufferChangeData | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_edbee__CharTextDocument_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_edbee__DynamicTextRangeSet_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_edbee__Edbee_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_edbee__test__TestCase_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_edbee__test__TestEngine_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_edbee__TextBuffer_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_edbee__TextDocument_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_edbee__TextDocumentScopes_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_edbee__TextEditorCommandMap_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_edbee__TextEditorComponent_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_edbee__TextEditorConfig_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_edbee__TextEditorController_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_edbee__TextEditorScrollArea_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_edbee__TextEditorWidget_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_edbee__TextLineDataManager_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_edbee__TextMarginComponent_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_edbee__TextRenderer_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_edbee__TextSearcher_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_edbee__TextThemeManager_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_edbee__TextThemeStyler_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_edbee__TextUndoStack_t | |
►CQVector | |
Cedbee::TextScopeList | A list of text-scopes. on a certian location, usually more then one scope is available on a given location |
►CQWidget | |
Cedbee::PrivateShadowWidget | A special class to draw a shadow over the widget |
Cedbee::TextEditorComponent | This is the main texteditor-component (which is the true editor) This is the QWidget that recieves the keypresses, mouse presses etc |
Cedbee::TextEditorWidget | This is the general edbee widget This core functionality of this widget is divided in several seperate compnents. (TextEditorComponent: the main editor, TextMarginComponent: the sidebar with line numbers) |
Cedbee::TextMarginComponent | The margin/line-number component This class is used for rendering line-numbers etc |
Cedbee::RangeLineIterator | Implements a line iterator for a single range It iterates over all affected lines that are inside the given textrange |
Cedbee::RangeSetLineIterator | Rangeset line iterator. For iterating over ALL distinct lines used in a rangeset |
Cedbee::RegExp | A class for matching QStrings with the Oniguruma API We need this Regular Expression library to be able to support tmLanguages fully I tried to make this class as close as possible to the QRegExp library |
►Cedbee::RegExpEngine | The minimal engine we currently require for handling regexpt. It may grow in the future |
Cedbee::OnigRegExpEngine | The onig regexp-engine |
Cedbee::QtRegExpEngine | The Qt regexp-engine A pretty dumb wrapper around the QRegExp Class |
Cedbee::ScopedTextRangeList | List of textscopes This class is used for single-line scopes (Todo, this needs to be optimized) |
Cedbee::SimpleProfiler | FILE / LINE / FUNCTION (or func ) |
Cedbee::test::Test< T > | |
Cedbee::test::TestResult | This method represents a test result |
Cedbee::TextBufferChange | This clas represents a text buffer change and is used to pass around between events This is a shareddata object so the data can be thrown between different threads (delayed emit-support)_ |
Cedbee::TextCaretCache | A special cache. For remembering the x-coordinates of the carets |
Cedbee::TextCodec | This class represents a single text codec The codec has a name and contains methods to create encoders and decoders |
Cedbee::TextCodecDetector | This class is used to detect the encoding of a given string. The detector is based on the Java code of Guillaume LAFORGE |
Cedbee::TextCodecManager | The codec manager is used for managing codecs You shouldnt' instantiatie this class, it's better to access the codec manager instantiated via the edbee::Edbee |
Cedbee::TextDocumentFilter | |
Cedbee::TextDocumentSerializer | A class used to load/save a text-file from and to an IODevice |
Cedbee::TextDocumentSerializerFilter | |
►Cedbee::TextEditorCommand | This is the abstract base class for a textcommand |
Cedbee::CommentCommand | This command is used for commenting / decommenting a line We cannot implement this truely at the moment, we first need support for making scope-based 'environment-variables' so we can creating something like TM_COMMENT_START |
Cedbee::CopyCommand | This command is used for copying data to the clipboard |
Cedbee::CutCommand | Performs a cut command. The cut command removes the selected content and places onto the clipboard |
Cedbee::DebugCommand | A debug command, for simply suppling/dumping some editor state information to the console |
Cedbee::DuplicateCommand | The Duplicate command. Duplicates the selected line or text |
Cedbee::FindCommand | |
Cedbee::NewlineCommand | Inserts a newline. When smarttab is enabled it also inser leading tabs/spaces |
Cedbee::PasteCommand | Executes a paste command This usually simply pastes the text at the given location. There are two special cases: |
Cedbee::RedoCommand | |
Cedbee::RemoveCommand | A delete command. This is a backspace or a delete operation |
Cedbee::ReplaceSelectionCommand | This command can be used to replace the current selection with a given text |
Cedbee::SelectionCommand | The selection command is used to move the caret and anchors to make selections and move the carets around |
Cedbee::TabCommand | For inserting/executing forward and backwards tabs |
Cedbee::UndoCommand | |
Cedbee::TextEditorKey | A contexted keysequence This contains a keysequence and optionally a given context |
Cedbee::TextEditorKeyMap | A text editor key map This key map, maps key-sequences to action-names |
Cedbee::TextEditorRenderer | |
Cedbee::TextGrammar | This class defines a single language grammar |
Cedbee::TextGrammarManager | This class is used to manage all 'grammers' used by the lexers |
Cedbee::TextGrammarRule | Defines a single grammar rule |
Cedbee::TextKeyMapManager | There can be different keymaps for different file-types/ The keymap manager manages all the available keymaps There's ALWAYS a keymap with the name "" |
►Cedbee::TextLexer | This is a single lexer |
Cedbee::GrammarTextLexer | A simple lexer matches texts with simple regular expressions |
►Cedbee::TextLineData | A text line item reference |
Cedbee::BasicTextLineData< T > | Simple class to store a QString in a line |
Cedbee::TextLineDataList | Line data items |
Cedbee::TextMarginComponentDelegate | The textmargin component delegate You can override the methods in the class for adding functionality to the text-margin component |
►Cedbee::TextRange | A single text region A region constists of an anchor and a caret: The anchor defines the 'start' of the range. Then caret the end |
►Cedbee::ScopedTextRange | A base scoped text range |
Cedbee::MultiLineScopedTextRange | This class 'defines' a single document scope |
Cedbee::MultiLineScopedTextRangeReference | A line based ScopedText range, that referenes a multi-line text-reference |
►Cedbee::TextRangeSetBase | This abstract class represents a set of textranges The ranges are kept ordered and will not contain overlapping regions |
Cedbee::MultiLineScopedTextRangeSet | This is a set of scoped textranges. This set is used to remember parsed language ranges |
►Cedbee::TextRangeSet | The basic textrange class. A simple class of textrange with a simple vector implementation |
Cedbee::DynamicTextRangeSet | A smart QObject implemenation of a TextRangeSet which listens to changes in the document. When a change happens it's changes the spatial of the ranges |
Cedbee::TextSelection | The class textselection is a RangeSet that is used by the view of the document |
Cedbee::TextScope | This class defines a full text-scope. A full textscope is textscope with one ore more scoped-elements |
Cedbee::TextScopeManager | The scope manager is used to manage the scopes... A scope consist out of several scope-parts: |
Cedbee::TextScopeSelector | Our first version of scope-selector only support a list of scopes Thus the Descendant (space) selector only |
Cedbee::TextThemeRule | The styles available in tmTheme files |
Cedbee::Util | A global utiltity class. The purpose of this class is to put 'global' function that don't quite fit on other places |