edbee - Qt Editor Library
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cedbee::BasePListParserA general plist xml-file parser
 Cedbee::CascadingQVariantMapA cascading map is a Hierarchical QVariantMap
 Cedbee::ChangeA basic change
 Cedbee::CommentDefinitionA class to temporary store all comment definitions for the current scope placed in a class so we can make use of
 Cedbee::CommentDefinitionItemA helper structures for storing comment start and end definitions
 Cedbee::DebugAllocationThis structure is used to 'remember' what is allocated at which place
 Cedbee::DebugAllocationListThis class is used to remember all memory leakds
 Cedbee::DynamicVariableThe abstract base class for a dynamic variable
 Cedbee::DynamicVariablesThis class is used for remembering/managing dynamic variables This are a kind of environment variables that are dependent on the given context
 Cedbee::FactoryCommandMapThis class contains the factory edbee command map
 Cedbee::FactoryKeyMapThis class can fill the texteditor keymap with the factory defaults
 Cedbee::GapVector< T >This class is used to define a gap vector. A Gapvector is split in 2 parts. where the gap is moved to the insertation/changing point. So reducing the movement of fields
 Cedbee::GapVector< edbee::ScopedTextRangeList *>
 Cedbee::GapVector< edbee::TextLineDataList *>
 Cedbee::GapVector< int >
 Cedbee::GapVector< QChar >
 Cedbee::JsonParserA Json Parser that supports strings in json sources! standard json doesn't support comments. This class strips the comments before passing it to qt the comments are replaced by spaces, this way the line-numbers and column numbers will stay the same
 Cedbee::KeyMapParserThis emthod method can be used to load text-editor keymaps
 Cedbee::LineEndingA special class to perform line-ending detection
 Cedbee::LineOffsetVectorThis class implements the vector for storing the line numbers at certain offsets/ The class allows the 'gap' position to contain a delta offset. Which means that
 Cedbee::NoGapVector< T >A special GapVector class that isn't a gapvector. It forwards it's request to a normal vector class (for debugging purposes) that isn't a gapv This class is only used for debugging issuess with the gapvector
 Cedbee::test::OutputHandlerThis is the basic outputhandler. The basic outputhandler simply executes a qDebug with the given information
 Cedbee::SimpleProfiler::ProfilerItemClass to 'record a singlel item
 Cedbee::SimpleProfiler::ProfileStackItemThe current stats items
 Cedbee::RangeLineIteratorImplements a line iterator for a single range It iterates over all affected lines that are inside the given textrange
 Cedbee::RangeSetLineIteratorRangeset line iterator. For iterating over ALL distinct lines used in a rangeset
 Cedbee::RegExpA class for matching QStrings with the Oniguruma API We need this Regular Expression library to be able to support tmLanguages fully I tried to make this class as close as possible to the QRegExp library
 Cedbee::RegExpEngineThe minimal engine we currently require for handling regexpt. It may grow in the future
 Cedbee::ScopedTextRangeListList of textscopes This class is used for single-line scopes (Todo, this needs to be optimized)
 Cedbee::SimpleProfilerFILE / LINE / FUNCTION (or func )
 Cedbee::test::Test< T >
 Cedbee::test::TestResultThis method represents a test result
 Cedbee::TextBufferChangeThis clas represents a text buffer change and is used to pass around between events This is a shareddata object so the data can be thrown between different threads (delayed emit-support)_
 Cedbee::TextCaretCacheA special cache. For remembering the x-coordinates of the carets
 Cedbee::TextCodecThis class represents a single text codec The codec has a name and contains methods to create encoders and decoders
 Cedbee::TextCodecDetectorThis class is used to detect the encoding of a given string. The detector is based on the Java code of Guillaume LAFORGE
 Cedbee::TextCodecManagerThe codec manager is used for managing codecs You shouldnt' instantiatie this class, it's better to access the codec manager instantiated via the edbee::Edbee
 Cedbee::TextDocumentSerializerA class used to load/save a text-file from and to an IODevice
 Cedbee::TextEditorCommandThis is the abstract base class for a textcommand
 Cedbee::TextEditorKeyA contexted keysequence This contains a keysequence and optionally a given context
 Cedbee::TextEditorKeyMapA text editor key map This key map, maps key-sequences to action-names
 Cedbee::TextGrammarThis class defines a single language grammar
 Cedbee::TextGrammarManagerThis class is used to manage all 'grammers' used by the lexers
 Cedbee::TextGrammarRuleDefines a single grammar rule
 Cedbee::TextKeyMapManagerThere can be different keymaps for different file-types/ The keymap manager manages all the available keymaps There's ALWAYS a keymap with the name ""
 Cedbee::TextLexerThis is a single lexer
 Cedbee::TextLineDataA text line item reference
 Cedbee::TextLineDataListLine data items
 Cedbee::TextMarginComponentDelegateThe textmargin component delegate You can override the methods in the class for adding functionality to the text-margin component
 Cedbee::TextRangeA single text region A region constists of an anchor and a caret: The anchor defines the 'start' of the range. Then caret the end
 Cedbee::TextRangeSetBaseThis abstract class represents a set of textranges The ranges are kept ordered and will not contain overlapping regions
 Cedbee::TextScopeThis class defines a full text-scope. A full textscope is textscope with one ore more scoped-elements
 Cedbee::TextScopeManagerThe scope manager is used to manage the scopes... A scope consist out of several scope-parts:
 Cedbee::TextScopeSelectorOur first version of scope-selector only support a list of scopes Thus the Descendant (space) selector only
 Cedbee::TextThemeRuleThe styles available in tmTheme files
 Cedbee::UtilA global utiltity class. The purpose of this class is to put 'global' function that don't quite fit on other places