| MultiLineScopedTextRange (int anchor, int caret, TextScope *scope) |
| The multiline scoped textrange. More...
virtual | ~MultiLineScopedTextRange () |
| The multi-line destructor. More...
void | setGrammarRule (TextGrammarRule *rule) |
| Sets the rule (we need the rule to perform end-of-line matching) More...
TextGrammarRule * | grammarRule () const |
| Returnst he active grammar rule. More...
void | giveEndRegExp (RegExp *regExp) |
| Gives the end regular expression. More...
RegExp * | endRegExp () |
| returns the end-regular expression More...
| ScopedTextRange (int anchor, int caret, TextScope *scope) |
| A scoped text range. More...
virtual | ~ScopedTextRange () |
| The default destructor. More...
void | setScope (TextScope *scope) |
| sets the scope of this textrange More...
TextScope * | scope () const |
| returns the scope More...
QString | toString () const |
| Converts the scoped textrange to a string. More...
virtual MultiLineScopedTextRange * | multiLineScopedTextRange () |
| returns the multi-line scoped text range More...
| TextRange (int anchor=0, int caret=0) |
int | anchor () const |
int | caret () const |
int | min () const |
| returns the minimal value More...
int | max () const |
int & | minVar () |
| returns the minimal variable reference More...
int & | maxVar () |
int | length () const |
void | fixCaretForUnicode (TextDocument *doc, int direction) |
| Makes sure the caret isn't in-between a unicode boundary refs #19 - Dirty hack to improve caret-movement by skipping non-BMP characters. More...
void | setAnchor (int anchor) |
void | setAnchorBounded (TextDocument *doc, int anchor) |
| Sets the anchor to the given location, and forces the anchor to say between the document bounds. More...
void | setCaret (int caret) |
void | setCaretBounded (TextDocument *doc, int caret) |
| Sets the caret to the given location, and forces the caret to say between the document bounds. More...
void | setLength (int newLength) |
| Changes the length by modifying the max-variable. More...
void | set (int anchor, int caret) |
void | reset () |
bool | hasSelection () const |
bool | isEmpty () const |
void | clearSelection () |
QString | toString () const |
| This method converts a text-selection range to a string helpfull with debuggin. More...
void | moveCaret (TextDocument *doc, int amount) |
| Moves the caret the given amount. More...
void | moveCaretOrDeselect (TextDocument *doc, int amount) |
| move the caret or deselect the given amount More...
int | moveWhileChar (TextDocument *doc, int pos, int amount, const QString &chars) |
| This method charactes after the given char group When moving to the left the cursor is placed AFTER the last character. More...
int | moveUntilChar (TextDocument *doc, int pos, int amount, const QString &chars) |
| This method charactes until the given chargroup is found When moving to the LEFT the cursor is placed AFTER the found character. More...
void | moveCaretWhileChar (TextDocument *doc, int amount, const QString &chars) |
| moves the caret while a character is moving More...
void | moveCaretUntilChar (TextDocument *doc, int amount, const QString &chars) |
void | moveAnchortWhileChar (TextDocument *doc, int amount, const QString &chars) |
void | moveAnchorUntilChar (TextDocument *doc, int amount, const QString &chars) |
void | moveCaretByCharGroup (TextDocument *doc, int amount, const QString &whitespace, const QStringList &characterGroups) |
| This method moves the caret to/from the given seperator. More...
void | moveCaretToLineBoundary (TextDocument *doc, int amount, const QString &whitespace) |
| This moves the caret to a line boundary. More...
void | expandToFullLine (TextDocument *doc, int amount) |
| Expands the selection range so it only consists of full lines amount specifies the amount (and the direction) of the expansions -1 means expand lines to top (and add extra lines) 1 means expand lines at the bottom (and add extras lines) 0 is a special case, it moves the caret to the start of the current line and expands to the end of the line. It does not add lines. More...
void | deselectTrailingNewLine (TextDocument *doc) |
| This method deselects the last character if it's a newline. More...
void | expandToWord (TextDocument *doc, const QString &whitespace, const QStringList &characterGroups) |
| Expands the selection to a words. More...
void | expandToIncludeRange (TextRange &range) |
void | forceBounds (TextDocument *doc) |
| Sets the bounds. More...
bool | equals (const TextRange &range) |
| This method checks if the two ranges are equal. More...
bool | touches (TextRange &range) |
| Checks if two ranges touch eachother. Touching means that the start and end of two ranges are onto eachother Possible situations ( [ = anchor, > = caret, ( = don't care ) (A)(B) or (B)(A) More...
This class 'defines' a single document scope.